Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving micro moment

I love making a turkey soup after our main meal. I go through a ritual of boiling things down, fishing out the bones, seasoning it, etc. It takes a lot of time but man, I look forward to that first bowl of soup.

This year I made a classic microbiological mistake. After a long day I forgot and left the soup out overnight. Yes, earlier it had been boiled but since the boiling a number of us had dipped a nonsterile ladle in. Students should be able to think about how long it took their nutrient broth inoculations from this semester to go from clear to cloudy. I left the soup out for 24 hrs before realizing my mistake - the room was at a good 70 deg F (~20 degC). And yes, essentially this soup was a beautiful nutrient broth.

It broke my heart but I dumped the soup.

Bacteria always win....

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